Instagram Archives Pt VI — Introducing Our Sullivan

Welcome to the world Sullivan James Swann! This little cutie arrived at 6:11pm yesterday weighing 8lbs 6oz and 19.75in.
He and his sister are basically twins in their newborn looks, but certainly not in personality 😂
Sully, we love you so much already 💛




8 years married (a couple days late). We were two babies when we said “I do!” and now we have two babies in our arms!
@morganaswann, there’s no one I’d rather do this crazy life with than you! You’re the best husband and dad! I couldn’t have dreamed up a better partner if I tried. Thankful for your willingness to serve always, and put up with all my messes and dreams 💛

Happy anniversary! Love you ineffably! 💛




A few days late but we’ve officially had one month of #SullivanJamesSwann gracing us with his handsome little laidback self.

I am totally smitten 💛

Here’s to filling my camera roll with more of this cutie, and his life with these crazies… (Swipe ➡️ for evidence of what all his photos are bound to look like forever 😂)





It’s been a while since I did a “Things I don’t want to forget about” post for Miss #ReeseAdalineSwann —
She is changing a mile a minute these days. This photo was taken almost two months ago and she already looks so different today!!
At the top of the list of things I don’t forget are all the funny things she says:
✨ “Hold you!!” … when she wants you to pick her up!
✨ “Yay, Reeseyyyy!!” … when she does something she thinks she should be praised for (it’s like she’s reminding us to! Lol!!). Case in point, every time she unloads the silverware for us from the dishwasher she applauds herself. 😂
✨ “No he not, he Sullyyyyy” (said with the full force of a two year old with sass oozing out of her) … when someone tries to call her baby brother Sullivan. Lol.
✨ “Reesey berryyy hungryyy!” … this one is heard about 543 times a day. She then proceeds to list out every single thing she loves to eat, even after hearing that we won’t be eating right now!
She’s sour and she’s sweet. She’s me and she’s Morgan. She asks to wear a dress every single day. She thinks spinning is the best! She adores and asks for her dad about a million times a day when he’s at work. Her little smirk when she says “Reesey funny!!” makes me laugh even when I wanted to be mad! She adores her little brother even if it’s not quite reciprocal. She drives me crazy and I couldn’t love her more!
Two is wild and so so fun! ✨😮‍💨💛😂




I’ll start —
“TFW your mom takes your monthly photos *on time* and you’re the second kid 🕺😂💃🏼”
But really, our sweet #SullivanJamesSwann turned two months old on the 4th and time is flying! So grateful he is growing, healthy, and sleeping (more 😂)! It’s such a gift!!
We love this little laid back guy and are so grateful to be seeing more of his little personality! 🤍




Gearing up for another wedding weekend and I couldn’t love this crew more. They’re the best thing to come home to 🤍
Also, thankful for remote control triggers that make photos of our family of four possible ✨

#ReeseAdalineSwann #SullivanJamesSwann


July 15, 2021

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Wife, mama, wielder of light & joy, and capturer of moments.  I thrive off of conversation and genuine connection.  In between wrangling our kiddos, and hanging my husband, you'll find me dreaming up my next idea or creative endeavour.  It's these things that culminate to give my imagery a warmth and joy to them - the greatest compliment I could receive.







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