I’m a day late because we spent this guy’s first Father’s Day celebrating some of our favorite people in the world getting married!
If you know Morgan, you know that he loves people so well. He’ll do absolutely anything for the people he loves, never thinking of himself! He takes the phrase “servant-hearted” to a whole new level! Watching this translate to how he loves our little girl is just about my favorite thing in the world!!!
He’s our protector, our mess-cleaner-upper, our rock, our favorite source of smiles and laughter, and all around our favorite guy! Reese lights up when she sees her dad 💛
There’s no one else I’d rather do this parenting gig with than you @morganaswann!! We love you and are pretty crazy about you!!
I’m also extra grateful for the man that showed you the ropes on how to be a great dad, too! We love you Gramps — thanks for always tag-teaming with us 😂

I’ve officially spent 4 months being her mama, and I think it’s by far my favorite job yet! I can’t believe how much work it is, but how fast time is flying!! Also, baby toes are definitely my favorite. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Alternate caption: 4 months in and I finally clipped her nails for the first time today, so it’s safe to say I’m winning at this whole mom game 😂🙈🙄
#BabiesDontKeep #ReeseAdalineSwann

Monday — brought to you by this gummy smirks that light up her whole face just like her dad’s do 😍
#ReeseAdalineSwann #littlepoppyco #zarababy
Today’s our favorite guy’s birthday 🎉🎁
Life is so much better with you in it, @morganaswann. ( Just ask #ReeseAdalineSwann … she stops whatever she’s doing the second she hears him walk in the door!!! )
A year ago today we heard our baby girl’s heartbeat for the first time, and tonight we get celebrate you with her squawking at us at the dinner table! Watching you become a dad this past year has been one of my favorite things!
You are thoughtful, loyal, respectful, hilarious, and so much fun! You keep our lives exciting and together 😂
Praying that this next year is even sweeter!! Love you big time!! 😘
Also, thank you @caitlinjoycephotography for these photos from our family session that I will post 1028338 of later 💛
Reesey girl may look more like her dada these days (➡️ swipe for proof), but she gets her eyes for flowers from me 😉
There’s nothing cuter than #babiesandflowers amiright!?

Also, couldn’t let #nationaldogday pass by without celebrating #ReeseAdalineSwann’s built-in besties 😍
They’re the ones that stay by her side when we leave the room for just a second, lick her face incessantly, and always come back to her when they walk away & she yells at them (😂🙈). A girl’s best friends!!!
… but seriously, there’s *actuallly* nothing cuter than #babiesandpuppies!!! #theSwannHouse
Can we all just have a moment of silence to appreciate when #MyPupWalter was *this* tiny!?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
… now he’s a spaz that’s obsessed with tennis balls, licking Reese in the face, and barking at the neighbor kids as they had to the bus stop every day. LOL⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Also, in case you were wondering, I’ve since rearranged my office 328427 times since this photo was taken 🤭🙃Ask @morganaswann how he feels about it 🙈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’d like to imagine that the thoughts going through everyone’s heads in these photos from family vacay are as follows:
Morgan — can we just hurry and take these pictures so that we can eat some dinner…
Me — just try and pretend you’re having the *most fun* you’ve ever had everyone… these are precious memories!!!!!
Reese — sure, I’ll look cute Mom, but I would like to make your slight case of OCD hit in full force by flipping my bow upside down and over my ear. (She’s spicy like that!)
Love this little fam of ours 💛
Thanks Auntie E, @erswann, for capturing the first pic of us!!

My girl <3
(We’ll post this now, since apparently I missed my first National Daughter’s Week last week. Lol, rookie mom status! … and also because she is way cuter in this picture than she was today with her new *screaming* “trick”!! 🙄😩🙉)
Thank you @caitlinjoycephotography for this memory!!

Morgan — “it’s 90 degrees out, but sure I’ll wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt for you, babe! 🙄”
#ReeseAdalineSwann — “I’m not going to smile for anything short of some greatttttt entertainment, because even after all this time, I’m just not that sure about the whole picture taking thing.”
Me — “everyone pretend it’s fall and we’re laughing and having the most candid moment of our lives!”
Fall family pictures. It’s like a marathon, but photos like these feel like you’re hitting the finish line 😍
Thanks @abbygracephoto for this and @nataliefranke for the smile!! Also, also, this girl is 8 months old today and I just can’t even believe it!!!
Taco ‘bout cute 😉
Happy Halloween from #ReeseAdalineSwann 🎃
The to-do list is long, but the views aren’t bad 😍

9 months out vs 9 months in!!!
Somehow we’re inching closer and closer to a year of #ReeseAdalineSwann and it’s gone by in the blink of an eye!!
Don’t be surprised if you catch me in denial ‘til February, okay?

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