Man, oh man… three months on the outside for our Reese Adaline. It’s pretty darn crazy how fast time is going — I feel like I was just writing her two month post!
I was talking to a friend recently and she was asking how Reese was in her temperament. I was trying to find the words to describe her, because she certainly has her own little personality. It’s equal parts stubborn and sweet I’d say. My friend gave me the perfect vocabulary — she’s not a content baby! Haha!
She’s not a content baby in the fact that she’d pretty much rather be moving 24-7 (and she does, in her sleep especially, lol!). She also has to fuss a bit sometimes to put herself to sleep. This is especially true out in public because she is determined to be social when other people are around even if she’s exhausted. (She’s got some serious FOMO, this one!)
As for me, I have officially become a sappy mom. All those clichés you see online? They’re true… and if it can happen to me, it can happen to you!
Yes, I want to talk about her with you.
Yes, I look at cute pictures of her while she’s sleeping.
Yes, I can’t wait for her to wake up!! (except for when it’s at 3am because hellooooo, I want to sleep, too!)
Yes, I miss her when I leave her (but also, love getting a little time away — it’s a little confusing, lol)!
Anyways, here are some things I want to remember about this month:
- We celebrated Easter, Reese’s baby dedication at church, our anniversary, and my first Mother’s Day. It was a big month around here ;)
- She’s started doing this thing this week where she shrieks at people for attention. The other day, we were at the park with some of her friends, and she went around the circle shrieking at each of the other babies until they answered her. YIKES. How do I discipline my 3 month old!? LOL, jk. (Kind of!)
- She’s still a good sleeper for the most part with a minor regression the last week or so. I think it’s because she’s officially ready to finally implement a more solid schedule which makes my half type-A heart verryyy happy.
- This month she’s really started to smile at us intentionally. Like if she’s entertained by what we say she’ll let us know ;) It’s the actual best. Just don’t ask to see what I do to make her smile. It’s usually exceptionally embarrassing on my part!
- The best time to catch her smiling? When she first wakes up! She is so sweet and still a little cuddly then and I just love it!
- She’s also SO close to rolling. I mean it could literally be any day now. Seriously — she’s growing up so fast! (Insert all the sap here!)
- Last week was also her first week in the church nursery and they told us she did great! It was so good for my mama heart to hear considering she is a “not-content” baby, I get a little insecure about it at times. Thankfully she was on her best behavior!
Obviously I could make this post a million words long, but I’ll spare you. Instead, just look at all the cute pics from this month and a reminder that I need to be more intentional about taking pictures of our daily life and not just monthly updates. Yikes! Other mamas, any tips you’ve found that work!?
I like to call this Instagram vs. Reality… #MomFail

She might hate tummy time, but at least she’s good at it!
Mom Fail Pt.2… I can’t stop laughing!
Finally a good one! These three are going to give us a run for our money soon enough!

It’s crazy the difference a few weeks makes isn’t it!?
Her baby dedication photo! Thanks Casi for this!
Her smile just melts me into a sappy puddle. #Hormones #Don’tCare
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