This feed is about to get a whole lot cuter 😍
#ReeseAdalineSwann made her grand appearance last night at 10:21pm, 20 inches long, and 8lbs 4 ounces!
I’m a little obsessed!!
Living that Sundaze lifeeee!! (Quite literally since a certain someone thinks it’s the most fun to be awake from 2-4am 😂 Good thing she’s cute!!!)
My sweet friend @nataliefranke blessed us with the sweetest gift of capturing some of our first pics as a family of three, and I’m pretty obsessed!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Can’t believe she’s ours!!
#ReeseAdalineSwann #theSwannHouse
Okay, okay, eventually I’ll resume normal posting and not *just* the newest member of #theSwannHouse, but for now, here’s a little post celebrating one week of #ReeseAdalineSwann!!
In honor of surviving week one, I figured I would share a few parenting fails I’ve made so far 😂🙈
1️⃣ Somehow not realizing that of all of the clothes we have for her, we never bought any newborn pants! Girlfriend has been looking like a homeboy in her 0-3 mos that are most definitely too big 😂🙈 Evidence of this is conveniently covered up by the swaddle in this photo. PTL that all of her other pants will fit soon 😂
2️⃣ At her first doctor appointment, we had to undress her for the scale, when Morgan noticed she needed a diaper change. Her first time needing her portable changing pad (I obviously felt like a *real* parent, lol), and wouldn’t you know it… she decided to start peeing alllllllll over it! I literally couldn’t stop laughing as Morgan tried to maneuver her and the soaking wet changing pad! #momfail
Though I think it’s safe to say, she at least she christened it well!?
3️⃣ I have at least 3437623 photos of her on my phone already and got an email from Apple this morning saying that my iCloud is almost full 🙈🤷🏼♀️😂
Needless to say, life with her is pretty great, and I’m super thankful for all of the people who join us in loving her so much already 💛
Happy week one, sweet girl!! #RealMotherhood #luluandgeorgia #nurseryinspiration #letterfolk #theswannhouse
By popular demand, I will try and get better at posting more of this little lady… for starters — this is how Reese wakes up in the mornings! A little angel 👼🏼😍
Plus, you can swipe for *my* face when I realized she slept for 4.5 hours straight last night! Pure shock and maybe a little alien like!?! 😱 👽
It was probably a fluke, but I’m taking it as a W!
Also, if you’re thinking that she must be perfect, know that those sleepy hours were hard earned with 2 hours straight of fussiness beforehand (just thankfully at a more reasonable hour!)!
You win some, you lose some 😂
#ReeseAdalineSwann #ThisIsParenthood
One month of #MyPupWalter wanting to be #ReeseAdalineSwann’s bestie!
… she’s still warming up to him 😉🙈😂
Can’t believe our girl is a whole month old already!! (*HOW!?*)
… I was just about hit publish on my favorite blog post to date — introducing you to our girl… and then she woke up from her nap! 👼🏼
We’ll just have to try again tomorrow! 🤷🏼♀️🤪 #motherhood
Their faces when they realized that she forgot to wish them a happy national puppies’ day 🐶🤪😂 This can only mean one thing — I officially pressed publish on Reese’s one month update AND shared her newborn pics all in one post over on the blog! If you want all of the dets of how things are going with our girl, click on over!! :) #adventuresofmackandwalter #ReeseAdalineSwann #bestiesfortheresties
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