So a few weeks ago, I posted on Instagram checking in to see what the people who (graciously) follow along with the blog like to see! I opened up an option where you could enter in your responses and it was so fun to look through. Here’s why — it felt like a walk down memory lane!
There are so many posts and series that I used to keep up with here on the blog and on instagram that I totally forgot even existed!
Well, since you asked for it, I’ve decided to be a bit more intentional about sharing some of your favorites on the blog. One post in particular that was requested was a sort of life hacks/favorite finds post. The fact that y’all are asking that of me makes me giggle a little, but I’ll happily oblige!
In true transparency, I was tempted (or maybe somewhat self-obligated) to make this one themed, with some mom-to-be things thrown in there, but I’m just not ready for that yet. Maybe once Reese is here, I’ll feel more qualified to share, but until then, I’m sticking to some of my favorite things from this week —
Fresh Flowers
I know, I know, basic. Truth be told, I don’t care. There’s just something special about the way flowers can brighten your day by just sitting there! Ever need an instant pick-me-up? Go buy yourself some at the store! I promise — it works! I mean, what else in life looks so beautiful even as it’s dying? That in and of itself is enough reason to celebrate them, don’t you agree?
Buying New SOCKS
By this point in time, if you’re still reading without LOLing at how ridiculous I am, more power to you. BUT, I felt like my life changed on Tuesday when I bought some new white socks for the first time in probably like 5 years. They felt so new and fresh and I couldn’t have anticipated how much pep in my step I got ;) Pun fully intended!!
Washingtonian Weddings Latest Magazine!!
Eek!! So this one is a fun one for me, because in the very back of the issue is this image from Harrison & Lauren’s wedding and if that’s not worth celebrating on a Friday, then I don’t know what is! I am also super honored to be named Rising Star of DC Wedding photographers again and to be listed as a part of their guide to DC vendors! It’s pretty surreal seeing your name & work in print, I gotta say!
Thoughts on the Enneagram
I get that it’s all the rage right now and to be honest, I’m usually a huge fan of personality tests. I even really want to love this one. Participating in the fun bingo that was rolling around on Instagram a few weeks ago — I would’ve loved to! But for some reason, when I take this personality test, more so than others, I immediately have an identity crisis!
The (somewhat) subtle progression of mind mind while taking the enneagram —
But, what if I’m neither of those things?
I’m kind of this, but sometimes, I’m that, too!
I should probably be taking the real version of this test and not a free one. #butIamcheap
What if I just think that I’m really good at that, but I’m actually the opposite?
OMG do I even know myself at all!!!
Morgan come tell me which answer is more me (then inevitably disagrees with his assessment and puts the opposite)!
There should really be a personality test that just reads your brain and tells you what you are!
PS. for those wondering, I got a 2 with a 7&8wing. They were such similar results though, I don’t know how to tell what the wings mean or what I really am. I’m telling you identity crisis.
Nail Polish Name — Mrs. Always Right
Okay, this is even more basic than fresh flowers, but I don’t care. I think it’s hilarious that Essie nails makes a nail color called Mrs. Always Right. I’m wearing it with pride this week after discovering it at Target;)
So what about you friends? What are the things/finds of the week that you’re celebrating this lovely Friday?
Sources: Letterboard & Letters — Letterfolk | Backdrop — Heirloom Bindery (Gifted)
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