Friends, I don’t know about you, but it’s a Taylor Swift Blank Spaces on repeat kind of day around this household! I’m spending the rest of my afternoon tackling the mountains of laundry that have been piled up for way too long… like getting to the bottom of the laundry basket and not even remembering having that shirt kind of long! Anyways, Fridays are “Create” days that I set aside to share my latest (other) work that has been piling up! Unfortunately though, most of the things I’ve been working on lately have been lots of gifts… it is that season, ya know! I’ve also been working really hard on improving the experience for all of my sweet 2015 couples! Friends, y’all have some fun headed your way soon! YAY! So I’m sure within the next few weeks the “Create” series will be back with a bang, but for now hang tight! Catch ya on the flipside!
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