Happy Monday!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend… I know that I sure did!! Today’s post is a way for me to get out my inner creativity with my latest obsession: handwritten things! Ever since the summer camp I helped out with, calligraphy and beautiful handwritten words have just been on the brain… Probably because the speaker that I had the privilege of listening to was the husband of Lindsay from Lindsay’s Letters. Super cool, right?!
After I ooed and ahhed over the fact that I have been obsessed with her work for quite some time, a good friend of mine said, “Lauren, you can do that too. Did you see all of the chalkboards at your wedding that you wrote on?!”
I was so humbled, and felt so honored to be compared to such a wonderful artist, though I must admit, I tend to disagree!! Either way, that conversation took me into it, and I have been OBSESSED ever since!! I practice my writing almost everyday because it’s a way for me to unload and it’s actually pretty therapeutic. So I figured this would be a great place to share some of my latest endeavors!! Enjoy!!
Some of the paintings I’ve done recently…

This may or may not become a weekly thing… it probably depends on how much I get done!
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